07.10.2011., petak


Direct Flights To Romania. Cheap Flights To Manila Philippines

Direct Flights To Romania

direct flights to romania

    direct flights
  • (direct flight) a flight with one or more intermediate stops but no change of aircraft

  • (Direct Flight) Where the plane goes directly from the departure city to the arrival city and the traveler does not need to change planes.

  • Travelers often confuse direct flights with nonstop flights but there is a big difference. A direct flight means your plane will stop somewhere enroute to your final destination. These stops can last anywhere from 1/2 hour to 2 hours.

  • (romanian) of or relating to or characteristic of the country of Romania or its people or languages; "Romanian folk music"

  • A country in southeastern Europe, on the Black Sea; pop. 22,355,000; capital, Bucharest; language, Romanian (official)

  • a republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea

  • Romania ( ; dated: Rumania; Romania ) is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, north of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea. Almost all of the Danube Delta is located within its territory.

direct flights to romania - 100 ways

100 ways to please a Romanian woman (100 ways to live in Romania)

100 ways to please a Romanian woman (100 ways to live in Romania)

After 8 years, countless arguments and more than a few sharp kicks under the table, I feel I have collected the top 100 things a man must do to make a Romanian woman happy.

It may seem like a simple task, but due to cultural differences, their own traditions and their own set of social etiquette, a man coming from Britain or America will find that he has to learn a whole new set of social graces to truly fit into the Romanian dating scene.

To save others needing to learn all this knowledge through a trial by fire, I thought it would be great to make a small book, with a few simple guidelines, which will help foreign men find their feet in Romania. The great thing being that many of these hints and tips will also be greatly appreciated by women everywhere.

After 8 years, countless arguments and more than a few sharp kicks under the table, I feel I have collected the top 100 things a man must do to make a Romanian woman happy.

It may seem like a simple task, but due to cultural differences, their own traditions and their own set of social etiquette, a man coming from Britain or America will find that he has to learn a whole new set of social graces to truly fit into the Romanian dating scene.

To save others needing to learn all this knowledge through a trial by fire, I thought it would be great to make a small book, with a few simple guidelines, which will help foreign men find their feet in Romania. The great thing being that many of these hints and tips will also be greatly appreciated by women everywhere.

84% (14)

PWS-26 , Kraków Aviation Museum 31.07.2008

PWS-26 , Kraków Aviation Museum 31.07.2008

Description (from Wikipedia):

The PWS-26 was a Polish advanced training aircraft, used from 1937 to 1939 by the Polish Air Force, constructed in the PWS (Podlaska Wytwornia Samolotow - Podlasie Aircraft Factory). It was the second most numerous Polish pre-war aircraft, after the RWD-8.

Design and development

The aircraft was a final development of a series: PWS-12, PWS-14 and PWS-16, designed in response to a Polish Air Force requirement for an advanced trainer. The chief designer was Augustyn Zdaniewski. The PWS-26 was a direct development of the PWS-16bis, sharing the same silhouette, being a more militarized variant - with strengthened construction, which allowed dive-bomber training. Contrary to its predecessors, the PWS-26 could be armed with a machinegun and practice bombs. It also had other improvements and was cabable of aerobatics. A visual difference from the PWS-16bis were the canvas-covered struts of the landing gear.

The prototype was flown in 1935. After trials, its production started in 1936. By the outbreak of World War II in 1939, 320 had been built.

The PWS-26 was used in Polish military aviation from early 1937, becoming a standard type of advanced trainer for fighter pilots. It replaced most of the older PWS-14s, PWS-16s, PWS-18s (a licence-built Avro Tutor) and Bartel BM-5d's. They carried numbers starting with "81-". The PWS-26 was regarded as a successful aircraft, with good flight characteristics. During its Polish service, there were 10 fatal crashes, which was not a high number.

Operational history

After the German invasion of Poland, some PWS-26s were used in liaison flights, three aircraft in each, assigned to Armies (basic equipment of liaision flights was the RWD-8). The PWS-26 was mostly used as a replacement aircraft.

According to a report by Jan Falkowski, on September 3, 1939, while flying a PWS-26, he made a chasing Bf 109 crash near Lublin, by performing low-level manoeuvres, but there was no confirmation from the Germans. A single PWS-26 and two RWD-8s of the Polesie Operational Group, were the last Polish aircraft in the sky during the campaign. Some Czech pilots flew these aircraft during the campaign on the Polish side. Account of Jan Falkowski of the above kill. "I was only 200 feet from the ground when I tried a trick. I put my plane into a dive, all the time watching one of the Germans who was trying to get on my tail. I did little twists and turns, not allowing the enemy to get me squarely in his sights. All the time we were getting closer and closer to the ground. I brought him to about 50 feet off the ground and in the last second, dived again, then immediately pulled into a left turn. I missed the ground by a scat 10 feet, I figured. The German wasn't so lucky." First hand account of Jan Falkowski causing the Me-109 to crash. Taken from his auto biography "With The Wind In My Face" Jan Falkowski married the widowed wife of Joseph Tanski who was his commander during this time. Joseph Tanski was my grandfather.

Some PWS-26s were shot down by the Germans, at least one was shot down by the Soviets on September 19. A large number of PWS-26s were destroyed on the ground by the Germans or burned by the withdrawing Poles. A dozen or so were evacuated to Romania and at least 33 to Latvia. This latter group were captured by the Germans - in 1941. After some modification, 28 of them were sold to Romania. The Romanian aircraft (including those evacuated), entered service in civilian and military aviation (and used there until the 1950s). Two were tested in Germany. A dozen or so were captured by the Soviets in Poland and also used by them for testing.


* Luftwaffe operated unknown number of captured aircraft

* Polish Air Force

* Romanian Air Force


Only one PWS-26 (Nr. 81-123) has survived. Captured by the Germans in September 1939, it was part of the German aviation museum, displayed with the Luftwaffe markings VG+AS. The aircraft was found in Poland after the war and used until 1953 by civilian operators with the markings SP-AJB. It is currently preserved in the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.

PWS-26 , Kraków Aviation Museum 31.07.2008

PWS-26 , Kraków Aviation Museum 31.07.2008

Only preserved machine of this type. Polish Air Force fighter training aircraft just from before the World War 2

From Wikipedia:

The PWS-26 was a Polish advanced training aircraft, used from 1937 to 1939 by the Polish Air Force, constructed in the PWS (Podlaska Wytwornia Samolotow - Podlasie Aircraft Factory). It was the second most numerous Polish pre-war aircraft, after the RWD-8.

Design and development

The aircraft was a final development of a series: PWS-12, PWS-14 and PWS-16, designed in response to a Polish Air Force requirement for an advanced trainer. The chief designer was Augustyn Zdaniewski. The PWS-26 was a direct development of the PWS-16bis, sharing the same silhouette, being a more militarized variant - with strengthened construction, which allowed dive-bomber training. Contrary to its predecessors, the PWS-26 could be armed with a machinegun and practice bombs. It also had other improvements and was cabable of aerobatics. A visual difference from the PWS-16bis were the canvas-covered struts of the landing gear.

The prototype was flown in 1935. After trials, its production started in 1936. By the outbreak of World War II in 1939, 320 had been built.

The PWS-26 was used in Polish military aviation from early 1937, becoming a standard type of advanced trainer for fighter pilots. It replaced most of the older PWS-14s, PWS-16s, PWS-18s (a licence-built Avro Tutor) and Bartel BM-5d's. They carried numbers starting with "81-". The PWS-26 was regarded as a successful aircraft, with good flight characteristics. During its Polish service, there were 10 fatal crashes, which was not a high number.

Operational history

After the German invasion of Poland, some PWS-26s were used in liaison flights, three aircraft in each, assigned to Armies (basic equipment of liaision flights was the RWD-8). The PWS-26 was mostly used as a replacement aircraft.

According to a report by Jan Falkowski, on September 3, 1939, while flying a PWS-26, he made a chasing Bf 109 crash near Lublin, by performing low-level manoeuvres, but there was no confirmation from the Germans. A single PWS-26 and two RWD-8s of the Polesie Operational Group, were the last Polish aircraft in the sky during the campaign. Some Czech pilots flew these aircraft during the campaign on the Polish side. Account of Jan Falkowski of the above kill. "I was only 200 feet from the ground when I tried a trick. I put my plane into a dive, all the time watching one of the Germans who was trying to get on my tail. I did little twists and turns, not allowing the enemy to get me squarely in his sights. All the time we were getting closer and closer to the ground. I brought him to about 50 feet off the ground and in the last second, dived again, then immediately pulled into a left turn. I missed the ground by a scat 10 feet, I figured. The German wasn't so lucky." First hand account of Jan Falkowski causing the Me-109 to crash. Taken from his auto biography "With The Wind In My Face" Jan Falkowski married the widowed wife of Joseph Tanski who was his commander during this time. Joseph Tanski was my grandfather.

Some PWS-26s were shot down by the Germans, at least one was shot down by the Soviets on September 19. A large number of PWS-26s were destroyed on the ground by the Germans or burned by the withdrawing Poles. A dozen or so were evacuated to Romania and at least 33 to Latvia. This latter group were captured by the Germans - in 1941. After some modification, 28 of them were sold to Romania. The Romanian aircraft (including those evacuated), entered service in civilian and military aviation (and used there until the 1950s). Two were tested in Germany. A dozen or so were captured by the Soviets in Poland and also used by them for testing.

direct flights to romania

direct flights to romania

Amintiri din România socialista

Cartea ne reintroduce in atmosfera vietii din Romania socialista, scriitorul depanandu-si amintirile din perioada razboiului, ocupatia sovietica, instaurarea si consolidarea regimului comunist pana la prabusirea dictaturii. Evenimentele istorice si personale se contopesc in valtoarea vietii, aruncandu-l pe autor in cele mai neasteptate situatii.

Cartea este recomandata celor care au trait "Epoca de aur" dar si mai mult generatiilor de dupa '89.

H. Hauptman remarca: Cartea d-lui Rafael-Stefanescu se citeste lejer, datorita capacitatii ei de a captiva prin sinceritate, a claritatii expunerii si a documentarii care completeaza fluxul amintirilor proprii, apropiind-o de ceea ce numim istorie. Pigmentarea cu bancurile vremii aduce un plus de atractie si plasticitate.

Pentru mine lectura a avut si "sonor". Cand am citit despre intamplarile din vremea razboiului, am reauzit explozii de bombe si zuruitul avioanelor, bubuitul antiaerienelor, pe care nu le-am uitat. Cand a fost vorba de deportari mi-am amintit de cunostintele si rudele duse in Rusia la munca fortata, unde unii si-au lasat oasele.
"Muncile agricole" mi-au amintit prima deplasare la cules de porumb de la Baciu-Cluj, cand tehnicianul mi-a soptit: "Daca nu-l culegeti d-voastra, aici va putrezi".
Apoi, am revazut lungul sir de lipsuri, nesfarsitele cozi, am retrait teama de a vorbi, chiar de a concepe scrisori etc.

Asadar, eu am citit cartea pe nerasuflate. Ma intreb insa cum reactioneaza cei mai tineri. Pot ei intelege grozavia regimului comunist, ce se lauda ca este in serviciul tarii si poporului?


S-a nascut in 1938, intr-o familie instarita din Deva. Tatal, avocat, a decedat in 1942, iar restul familiei se muta la sat, unde copilul este fascinat de experientele unei lumi noi. Mama este persecutata de regimul comunist ca fost "element chiabur”, mutandu-se la o sora in Arad dupa ce intreaga avere ii este confiscata.

Copilul ramane la internatul scolii din comuna, devenind elev fruntas, ulterior fiind ales seful unitatii de pionieri. In 1952 insa familia este trimisa cu domiciliu obligatoriu la Aiud. Fiind impiedicat de autoritati sa-si continue studiile, tanarul de 14 ani este nevoit sa lucreze "la negru". Se angajaza ucenic la Cooperativa "Otelul", unde ajunge de-a lungul anilor controlor de calitate. Ca muncitor insa, reuseste sa intre la liceu la "fara frecventa" si ia bacalaureatul.

In 1956 este admis la Facultatea de Medicina din Cluj, dar in anul 3 este exmatriculat din cauza "situatiei economico-sociale a parintilor". Se tocmeste fochist la o fabrica de produse fainoase, apoi este obligat sa se intoarca la Aiud unde lucreaza pe un santier ca muncitor necalificat. Dupa un alt an este acceptat la Scola Sanitara din Arad , ulterior fiind repartizat ca asistent medical la aeroportul Constanta.
In 1962 este readmis la Facultatea de Medicina , de aceasta data in Bucuresti, fiind nevoit sa reinceapa studiile din anul intai. In paralel continua sa lucreze in diverse domenii, pentru a se intretine. Se casatoreste; vor urma doi copii, specializarea si alti cinci ani ca asistent universitar in Bucuresti.

Cand insa admiterea la un examen pentru avansare profesionala ii este blocata de Comitetul de Partid din cauza originii "nesanatoase", hotaraste impreuna cu sotia sa paraseasca definitiv tara. Este transferat pe "linie moarta" la "Policlinica pentru Sportivi" unde intalneste si alti "indezirabili"; face garzi de noapte pe "Salvare".

Cererea de emigrare a familiei este respinsa in mod repetat, iar autoritatile romane transmit avocatului american care se ocupa in mod voluntar de caz, ca de fapt familia nici nu ar fi inaintat vreodata o astfel de cerere.
Deabea in 1980, dupa trimiterea in occident (printr-un turist) a raspunsurilor negative de la directia Pasapoartelor, familiei ii este aprobata emigrarea.

Perioada de dupa emigrare este recreeata din marturiile prietenilor ramasi in tara.

Cartea ne reintroduce in atmosfera vietii din Romania socialista, scriitorul depanandu-si amintirile din perioada razboiului, ocupatia sovietica, instaurarea si consolidarea regimului comunist pana la prabusirea dictaturii. Evenimentele istorice si personale se contopesc in valtoarea vietii, aruncandu-l pe autor in cele mai neasteptate situatii.

Cartea este recomandata celor care au trait "Epoca de aur" dar si mai mult generatiilor de dupa '89.

H. Hauptman remarca: Cartea d-lui Rafael-Stefanescu se citeste lejer, datorita capacitatii ei de a captiva prin sinceritate, a claritatii expunerii si a documentarii care completeaza fluxul amintirilor proprii, apropiind-o de ceea ce numim istorie. Pigmentarea cu bancurile vremii aduce un plus de atractie si plasticitate.

Pentru mine lectura a avut si "sonor". Cand am citit despre intamplarile din vremea razboiului, am reauzit explozii de bombe si zuruitul avioanelor, bubuitul antiaerienelor, pe care nu le-am uitat. Cand a fost vorba de deportari mi-am amintit de cunostintele si rudele duse in Rusia la munca fortata, unde unii si-au lasat oasele.
"Muncile agricole" mi-au amintit prima deplasare la cules de porumb de la Baciu-Cluj, cand tehnicianul mi-a soptit: "Daca nu-l culegeti d-voastra, aici va putrezi".
Apoi, am revazut lungul sir de lipsuri, nesfarsitele cozi, am retrait teama de a vorbi, chiar de a concepe scrisori etc.

Asadar, eu am citit cartea pe nerasuflate. Ma intreb insa cum reactioneaza cei mai tineri. Pot ei intelege grozavia regimului comunist, ce se lauda ca este in serviciul tarii si poporului?


S-a nascut in 1938, intr-o familie instarita din Deva. Tatal, avocat, a decedat in 1942, iar restul familiei se muta la sat, unde copilul este fascinat de experientele unei lumi noi. Mama este persecutata de regimul comunist ca fost "element chiabur”, mutandu-se la o sora in Arad dupa ce intreaga avere ii este confiscata.

Copilul ramane la internatul scolii din comuna, devenind elev fruntas, ulterior fiind ales seful unitatii de pionieri. In 1952 insa familia este trimisa cu domiciliu obligatoriu la Aiud. Fiind impiedicat de autoritati sa-si continue studiile, tanarul de 14 ani este nevoit sa lucreze "la negru". Se angajaza ucenic la Cooperativa "Otelul", unde ajunge de-a lungul anilor controlor de calitate. Ca muncitor insa, reuseste sa intre la liceu la "fara frecventa" si ia bacalaureatul.

In 1956 este admis la Facultatea de Medicina din Cluj, dar in anul 3 este exmatriculat din cauza "situatiei economico-sociale a parintilor". Se tocmeste fochist la o fabrica de produse fainoase, apoi este obligat sa se intoarca la Aiud unde lucreaza pe un santier ca muncitor necalificat. Dupa un alt an este acceptat la Scola Sanitara din Arad , ulterior fiind repartizat ca asistent medical la aeroportul Constanta.
In 1962 este readmis la Facultatea de Medicina , de aceasta data in Bucuresti, fiind nevoit sa reinceapa studiile din anul intai. In paralel continua sa lucreze in diverse domenii, pentru a se intretine. Se casatoreste; vor urma doi copii, specializarea si alti cinci ani ca asistent universitar in Bucuresti.

Cand insa admiterea la un examen pentru avansare profesionala ii este blocata de Comitetul de Partid din cauza originii "nesanatoase", hotaraste impreuna cu sotia sa paraseasca definitiv tara. Este transferat pe "linie moarta" la "Policlinica pentru Sportivi" unde intalneste si alti "indezirabili"; face garzi de noapte pe "Salvare".

Cererea de emigrare a familiei este respinsa in mod repetat, iar autoritatile romane transmit avocatului american care se ocupa in mod voluntar de caz, ca de fapt familia nici nu ar fi inaintat vreodata o astfel de cerere.
Deabea in 1980, dupa trimiterea in occident (printr-un turist) a raspunsurilor negative de la directia Pasapoartelor, familiei ii este aprobata emigrarea.

Perioada de dupa emigrare este recreeata din marturiile prietenilor ramasi in tara.

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